PCSS Scope
There are many systems they require to make the group of processes. like: CPUSET, CKRM, Containers, ELSA etc.
But the major problem of these systems are :
1. User need to identify the process and classify it manually
2. Classification requires everytime when system restarts
Now,These systems need a mechanism that can identify the process and classify it autometically. PCSS works perfectly in this
case. PCSS identify and classify as well the process on the bases of their SElinux security context.When system restarts
PCSS starts grouping the processes if SElinux is enables in the system.
PCSS can be used in any system that requires Porcess grouping or classification,like:
- CKRM(resource management system) :We have integrated PCSS with it but CKRM is about vanish now
- CPUSET(resource management for multiprocessor system) : We have integrated PCSS with this
- ELSA(accounting system) : We have integrated PCSS with it
- Containers(future of resource manangement systems) : We are trying to integrate PCSS with it